
Teams 제한사항

종소리도깨비 2020. 3. 9. 14:37

코로나19로 뒤숭숭한 이시기에 많은 기업에서 재택근무를 하고 있고 이를 지원하기 위해 Office365 기반 업무 Hub인 Teams를 사용하고 있습니다.


코로나 19로 하게 된 재택근무 솔직 후기(feat. 팀즈(Teams)로 일하기)

​​매일 아침마다 마스크 끼고 출근하는 요즘출근길 발걸음이 이전보다 더 무겁습니다. 외부 미팅 취소, ...

Teams 는 카카오톡처럼 대화방 위주로 업무를 진행하게 됩니다. 

Teams 가 가진 장점은 많이 소개되어 있으니 Teams 사용시 제약사항을 아래와 같이 정리하여 봅니다.

Teams and channels

Number of teams a user can create Subject to a 250 object limit¹
Number of teams a user can be a member of 1,000
Number of members in a team 5,000
Number of owners per team 100
Number of org-wide teams allowed in a tenant 5
Number of members in an org-wide team 5,000
Number of teams a global admin can create 500,000
Number of teams an Office 365 tenant can have 500,000²
Number of channels per team 200 (includes deleted channels)³
Number of Private channels per team 30
Channel conversation post size Approximately 28 KB per post4



Number of people in a private chat1 100
Number of file attachments2 10
Chat size Approximately 28 KB per post3

Emailing a channel

Message size 24 KB
Number of file attachments 20
Size of each file attachment Less than 10 MB
Number of inline images 50

Channel names

Characters ~ # % & * { } + / \ : < > ? | ' " ..
Characters in these ranges 0 to 1F
80 to 9F
Words forms, CON, CONIN$, CONOUT$, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, desktop.ini, _vti_

Meetings and calls

Number of people in a meeting 250
Max PowerPoint File Size 2GB

Meeting expiration

Meeting type
Meeting expires after this much time Each time you start or update a meeting, expiration extends by this much time
Meet now Start time + 8 hours N/A
Regular with no end time Start time + 60 days 60 days
Regular with end time End time + 60 days 60 days
Recurring with no end time Start time + 60 days 60 days
Recurring with end time End time of last occurrence + 60 days 60 days

Teams live events

Audience size 10,000 attendees
Duration of event 4 hours
Concurrent live events in an Office 365 tenant 15

Presence in Outlook

Outlook 2013 desktop app and later.

Storage(SharePoint Size)

Feature Office 365  Office 365 Enterprise F1
Storage 1 TB per organization plus 10 GB per license purchased 1 TB per organization
Storage for Teams Files Up to 25 TB per site collection or group Up to 25 TB per site collection or group
File upload limit (per file) 15 GB 15 GB


  • Contacts in your organization's Active Directory
  • Contacts added to the user's Outlook default folder



Calling - audio, video, and sharing Meetings - audio, video, and sharing
Internet Explorer 11 Not supported Meetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on IE11 without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.

Video: Not supported

Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing) 
Microsoft Edge, RS2 or later Fully supported, except no outgoing sharing Fully supported, except no outgoing sharing
Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), the latest version plus two previous versions Fully supported Fully supported
Google Chrome, the latest version plus two previous versions Fully supported Fully supported

Sharing is supported without any plug-ins or extensions on Chrome version 72 or later.
Firefox, the latest version plus two previous versions Not supported Meetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on Firefox without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.

Video: Not supported

Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing) 
Safari 11.1+ Not supported Meetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on Safari without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.

Video: Not supported

Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing)

Safari is enabled on versions higher than 11.1 in preview. While in preview, there are known issues with Safari's Intelligent Tracking Prevention.